Presentation of the box set titled:

"LUCIO SAFFARO. PITTORE DI SOGNI E DI POESIE" (Lucio Saffaro. Painter of dreams and poems)

It is a poetical, seducing, useful three-book box set for museum operators, teachers, librarians, and for all the people working in the world of education and arts. The authors, i.e. Fiorella Mariotti and Gisella Vismara, explain that such books are to be considered in between Sciences and Arts, thanks to Saffaro’s polyhedral works, between Maths and Poetry, between Aesthetics and Geometry. This very aspect is the one which makes this box set a particularly suitable instrument to be studied for interdisciplinary school lectures and workshops. Thanks to its very poetical contents and to its visual fascination, these volumes appear to be really helpful for cross-curricular projects at school, for lectures and workshops. It is also considered as an interesting tool for the creation of imaginative reflection writing moments about the fascinating worlds of Geometry and Maths.
This publication is composed of three 13x13-cm volumes, each of the three containing 13 coloured tables, revealing to children and pupils the secret and mysterious shapes painted by artist mathematician and writer Lucio Saffaro. With the aim of never deceiving the readership, the authors always employ the words that Saffaro himself employed in his writings, in a simple, poetical, comprehensive but never compliant, re-elaboration.
“Mappe dei sogni” (Maps of the dreams) describes the fantastic worlds dreamed by the artist. In the volume one can find: faint lines drawing enchanted universes, intricate works with shades of light, silk threads twirling in the air, dream gardens and the wind voices together with the sounds of the sea.
“Eleganti Geometrie” (Graceful Geometries) describes the lines, the circles, the columns, the conical pyramids, the octahedrons, the star-shaped polyhedrons that become flowers made of rock, games of reflection and shapes dancing in the air.
“Misteriosi personaggi” (Mysterious characters) is peopled by: poets, fortune-tellers, knights, maids, poetesses, prophets, musicians, pages who lead the reader along enchanted paths, cliffs, ancient gardens, rock porches and quiet landscapes.

On Tuesday 26th March 2013, at SALA ALLEGRETTO (BLOCCO C), in the Fiera of Bologna, on the occasion of “Children’s Book Fair”, the publisher ARTEBAMBINI and FONDAZIONE LUCIO SAFFARO of Bologna are presenting the box set “Lucio Saffaro. Pittore di sogni e di poesie.”